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Change Makers

Change Makers are leaders bold enough to drive real change.

To make age irrelevance a reality we are creating an influential network of Change Makers who lead their organisation or sector


The commitment from Change Makers


  • Share an insight on age Irrelevance

  • Commit to make age irrelevance a reality.

  • Have a clear Aim to deliver a real change

  • Share the evidence of that change to inspire others

  • Who are the Age Irrelevance Ambassadors?
    Our Ambassadors are all people Sally worked with or inspired. They are people who instinctively know that her legacy for age inclusion must be continued. They are people of influence and who can make connections.
  • Why does the movement need Ambassadors?
    The movement needs people who can amplify our campaign by introducing us and making connections to people and organisations that can become Age Irrelevance Change Makers.
  • What do the Ambassadors do?
    Our Ambassadors proactively support our communications on LinkedIn and share key messages with their networks. If they spot a connection they link up and supercharge a conversation.
  • Making a pledge.
    Our Ambassadors have all made a pledge to support the Age Irrelevance movement based on their own commitment to inclusion and fairness.
  • Want to be an Ambassador?
    If you knew Sally or were inspired by her life – get in touch.
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