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Age Appropriate Housing

Our Goal

The 337 local planning authorities and 22,000 planning officers know about the longevity imperative and are inspired to future-proof housing decisions for the changing demographics - a new narrative that sits alongside the current narrative for affordability and carbon efficiency. We want Age Irrelevance to be an influential voice for the National Planning Policy Framework.

Impact and Activity 

Host a key event for stakeholders who influence and who have a vested interest in housing and planning. Supported by Age Irrelevance Ambassadors and Changemakers, we want to impact the hearts and minds of decision makers. 



Every planning officer in the UK is aware of the Age Irrelevance campaign and understands the longevity imperative.


Change mechanisms

Changing hearts and minds by setting out a compelling narrative of the 100 year life to influence policy so that the UK has a housing system that works for everyone as our demographics change.



We see a UK shift in age appropriate housing with an accessible housing system being a key metric in the government narrative - including an uplift in the amount of level access housing, enabling more people to live in communities that matter to them. 

Amplify our voice 

Become an Age Irrelevance ally by simply following us on LinkedIn and amplify our voice.


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